Hanna Olivia Marin is a fictional character created by Sara Shepard for the Pretty Little Liars book series, and later developed for the Freeform television series adaptation by I. Marlene King. The character has also appeared in the spin-off series Ravenswood. ... In the fourth season, Hanna also had a rivalry with Miranda, a girl who Caleb ...
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Does caleb kiss miranda in ravenswood
Oct 22, 2020 — Miranda's uncle succeeded in driving the evil entity out by smashing a clear tube ... Hanna planted a kiss on him and watched him as he finally fell asleep. ... So, why did Caleb return to Rosewood haunted by Ravenswood?. Oct 29, 2013 — In Ravenswood, however, maybe that's just a technicality? Miranda and Caleb "do have a very strong connection," said Blackburn. And on ... 3925e8d270